Peter J. Lucas  was born  on 2nd of June  in the small city of Wrzesnia (near Poznan), Poland. The acting bug didn't infect Peter until after he had become a popular award winning singer in his native Country. With his warm tenor/baritone voice, he spent much of his adolescence playing the accordion, guitar and singing ballads, often in English. With several different groups  he toured various  music  festivals  throughout  Poland while he was in college, collecting awards  and  recognition  as  a  lead  singer.  His  rising  popularity  brought  him to the  notice  of  several  entertainment professionals who encouraged him to perform in larger venus and persuaded him to audition for roles as an actor. Like many singers, he had developed a natural acting ability as a result of performing and interpreting songs in front of an audience.
        Bob Dylan's song "The Times , They are a Changing," sung by Peter in one of his festival performances, was literally a parallel to his life. His parents strongly wished that he would become an agricultural engineer. While working with his relatives on their farm in the summers and studying specialty agricultural machines in college, he finished his masters degree in Engineering, but managed to pursue his singing and acting aspirations in continued public performances.
        When colleagues suggested he might find more success abroad, he journeyed to England where he did his first commercial for Bristol & West, playing a polish spy. A year later he migrated to the United States, where he immediately attracted the attention of film and television producers. Since his real name  Piotr Andrzejewski was hard to pronounce, he had to choose a stage name: Peter  J. Lucas.
           Actor, not agriculturist nor singer, Peter J. Lucas is now planted on American soil far from any Polish farm. Although, he occasionally still
 plays the accordion and rides horses in Mexico.


 His Filmography consists of:

He appeared in numerous television shows: And theater:
                                   REPRESENTATION                  RESUME